
A 190-year-old manufacturer of monofilament fabrics for the screen printing and filtration markets.

The Problem

The customer created a new line of products for their end-users. With the new product line was a desire to implement a conducive packaging system that improved protection and image while maintaining the productivity requirements. Previous packaging products were problematic in that they resulted in product damage and didn’t reflect the higher quality items sold to their customers.

How We Solved It

As their trusted packaging supply distributor, the customer felt comfortable contacting Massco for a process review. Massco’s team of product and process improvement specialists, in conjunction with the customer’s engineering team, were able to create an innovative packaging program. The new program fulfilled the need for better protection and product presentation while maintaining production fulfillment needs.

Within months of the initial review, the engineering and operational team was overjoyed with the results. They’ve been able to reduce return claims 10%, stay within budget, and increase productivity by 15%. In addition, by implementing a sustainable inventory consignment program, they were able to reduce facility and packaging supply chain issues while lowering operational expenses.